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Calculatorul taxei pentru folosirea drumurilor de către autovehiculele înmatriculate în Republica Moldova
Determinarea taxei în cazul autovehiculelor mixte se realizează conform modului expus în Baza Generalizată a Practicii Fiscale la întrebarea răspuns, iar în cazul autovehiculelor mixte, reutilate - conform modului expus în întrebarea răspuns


Service information
Provider address and contact details

STS Call Center 080001525

Service delivery program

The service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year

Cost and duration of service

Free of charge

Documents required for the provision of the service

No documents are required from the beneficiary when requesting the service


Allows the taxpayer to submit the application for assignment of the TIN regarding the registration of the company / carried out activity, issuing the Certificate for assigning the TIN

Service information

Authentication is required

Provider address and contact details

Taxpayer service offices

Service delivery program

Monday - Friday, 8: 00-17: 00.

Break 12: 00-13: 00

Cost and duration of service

Free of charge, for 3 working days

Documents required for the provision of the service

The application for assignment of the TIN, with the attachment of confirmatory documents for legal entities constituted on the basis of normative acts:

a) copy of the normative act stating the fact of incorporation;

b) copy of the act approving the regulation or the statute of the legal entity;

c) copy of the extract from the Register of legal units confirming that the legal entity is registered by the state;

d) copy of the document confirming the appointment of the person submitting the documents.

For foreign entities established on the basis of international treaties ratified by the Republic of Moldova:

a) copy of the agreement or treaty, published in the special official edition of the Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova;

b) the certificate confirming the headquarters, issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration to representatives (offices) or subsidiaries of international institutions that are accredited by that body;

c) the certificate confirming the headquarters issued by the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure to representatives of the foreign companies implementing the technical assistance projects;

d) copy of the passport of the person with diplomatic status from the country of origin;

e) copy of the identity card of the person empowered to submit the documents.

 Legal entities or organizations with the status of non-resident individual who hold taxable objects on the territory of the Republic of Moldova or who have tax liabilities: a) extract from the national trade register of the country of origin confirming that according to its national legislation the non-resident is a legal entity;

b) copy of the registration certificate of the non-resident legal entity;

c) copies of the identification documents of the non-resident (copy of the certificate of assignment of the TIN or of another document recognized as such);

d) copies of the contracts concluded by the notary regarding the obtaining of the property right over the real estate;

e) copy of the document confirming the legal status of the permanent representative issued by the non-resident legal entity;

f) copy of the identity card of the person empowered by the non-resident to represent his interests in the activity carried out on the territory of the Republic of Moldova. The documents listed in letter a), b) and c) are notarized and legalized by the consular offices of the Republic of Moldova accredited in the country of origin of the non-resident, being translated into the state language.

For associate offices of lawyers, associated offices of bailiffs, associated offices of notaries;

a) copy of the order of the Ministry of Justice;

b) copy of the extract from: - the register of lawyers offices and associated offices of lawyers

- in the case of the associated office of lawyers;

- the register of bailiffs

- in the case of the associated office of bailiffs;

- state register of notaries

- in the case of the associated office of notaries;

c) copy of the civil society contract;

d) copy of the identity card of the manager.

Non-resident individual who has taxable objects on the territory of the Republic of Moldova or who has tax liabilities in accordance with the tax legislation:

a) copy of the passport of the non-resident person;

b) copies of the contracts concluded by the notary regarding the obtaining of the property right over the real estate.


The service implies obtaining access to remote electronic tax services.

Service information

Authentication is required

Provider address and contact details

STS Call Center 080001525

Service delivery program

The service is available 24/24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year

Cost and duration of service

Free of charge

Documents required for the provision of the service

No documents are required from the beneficiary when requesting the service


The "Taxpayer's Current Account" service is a service aimed at improving the act of tax administration and control of tax arrears and allows online access to information on taxpayers' tax liabilities and check the current status of all arrears or overpayments to the National Public Budget. The service ensures the convenience of taxpayers and optimizes their interaction with the State Tax Service.

Service information

Authentication is required

Provider address and contact details

STS Call Center 080001525

Service delivery program

The service is available 24/24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year

Cost and duration of service

Free of charge

Documents required for the provision of the service

In order to benefit from the service, it is initially necessary to follow the steps according to the service "Connection to electronic tax services".


Serviciul „Colectarea Informațiilor din Surse Indirecte” este o componentă informațională, menită să asigure circulația rapidă și securizată a informației de la sursele indirecte de informație către Serviciul Fiscal de Stat și compararea datelor depuse de către persoanele fizice cu cele prestate de către sursele indirecte de informație.

Service information

Authentication is required

Provider address and contact details

Centrul unic de apel al SFS 080001525


Service delivery program

Serviciul este disponibil 24/24 ore, 7 zile pe săptămână, 365 zile pe an.

Cost and duration of service


Documents required for the provision of the service

Pentru a utiliza serviciul este necesară parcurgerea pașilor conform serviciului „Oferirea accesului la serviciile fiscale electronice și interacțiunea cu contribuabilii în mediul online”


Verificarea bonului de casă la ECC



Service information
Provider address and contact details

STS Call Center 080001525

Service delivery program

The service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year

Cost and duration of service

Free of charge

Documents required for the provision of the service

No documents are required from the beneficiary when requesting the service


Verifying the excise stamp (alcohol )



Service information
Provider address and contact details

STS Call Center 080001525

Service delivery program

The service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year

Cost and duration of service

Free of charge

Documents required for the provision of the service

No documents are required from the beneficiary when requesting the service
